Detalles de la vuelta al cole LE BOAT

Opinión LE BOAT Castelnaudary

Opiniones de los miembros sobre LE BOAT

25 opinión
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Visitado en mayo 2024
Supernettes Personal, gute Einweisung, sauberes, wenn auch sehr altes Boot. Keine Probleme, weder in Castelnaudary noch bei der Abgabe in Port Cassafières. Würde jederzeit wieder dort buchen.
Visitado en abril 2024
We found Le Boat very easy to deal with right from the moment we started making enquiries about our holiday. We loved our holiday on the Canal du Midi and would definitely do another journey given the opportunity.
Visitado en abril 2024
We had a wonderful time navigating the Canal du Midi and exploring the region surrounding it.

I have driven ships and boats for over thirty years, and I was challenged, at times, to navigate my Le Boat boat. I had a Clipper boat with no bow thruster. A thruster would have only complicated the situation. The first two days of our trip we saw winds in the 30 mile per hour range. Sometimes this was a headwind and sometimes it was a sidewind while navigating a low bridge. We managed and had a wonderful time. If you are considering renting a boat and navigating the Canal du Midi, my advice would be to always put your locking assistant ashore on the windward side of the canal. I always did and I was able to get underway and get way on before being blown to the leeward side of the canal. If I'd been blown to the leeward side, I would have had a heck of a time getting off as the wind would have pinned me to it. These boats lack the power to back into the wind.

Other advice I would give is, don't try to do to much. When I first reserved the boat, we planned to go from Castlenaudry all the way to the Mediterranean. I did the math and there were not enough hours in the day to make it all the way, so we decided to spend about five hours each day navigating and the rest of the time exploring. We would tie the boat up by three pm each day and jump on our bicycles. The bikes provided are single speed folding bikes. They are completely adequate for riding in the towns surrounding the canal. If you want to head up to the walled city in Carcassonne, either take the bus or walk. The bikes will be a headache. Also - go as early in the day as you can.

We booked an end of March/early April trip to avoid the crowds. We succeeded in every way except one -- Carcassonne gets over five million visitors each year. If you are in the walled city after eleven am, it will be crowded.
Visitado en abril 2024
Nos ha encantado volver a navegar por el Canal de Midi con Le Boat. La atención del personal es excelente desde el momento de preparar el viaje, la recepción y la asistencia durante las vacaciones. Esta región de Francia es una maravilla y poder navegar por el canal todo un regalo para unas vacaciones perfectas.
Visitado en octubre 2023
An excellent, relaxing holiday. Perfect for a family
Visitado en octubre 2023
Excellent staff. Very professional. We had a wonderful time on the Canal du midi.
Visitado en septiembre 2023
Super moment
Équipe agréable, souriante et arrangeante
Nous recommandons vivement !
Visitado en agosto 2023
Le personnel est très gentil et ils nous laisse laisse pêcher entre les bateaux toujours demandé si on ne le ces pas et resté poli aussi
Visitado en agosto 2023
Me ha parecido una experiencia muy divertida, el barco que nos dieron era muy amplio para 6 personas, pero con muchas cosas estropeadas. Habría que arreglar y renovar muchas cosas, pero en general todo muy completo y muy muy bien. Recomendable.
Visitado en agosto 2023
Hors de prix pour la prestation et l’état des bateaux. Première nuit sans électricité car les 2 batteries HS donc pas de frigo et impossible pour ma mère de brancher sa machine pour son apnée du sommeil… (a la poubelle la viande du congèle et les courses mise au frigo…), le four n’a jamais fonctionné un des techniciens nous a dit de taper dessus pour qu’il fonctionne… génial
Dernière nuit passée sur le port de Castelnaudary une horreur ! Un des salariés du Boat séjourne avec sa famille sur le port et nous avons eu le malheur de nous garer à côté, en pleine nuit nous avons été réveillé car ils se sont mis à se battre dans leur bateau et à hurler ! Réveiller à 0h50 et possibilité de se rendormir seulement à 3h20 car nous avons menacé d’appeler la Gendarmerie. Aucun geste commercial n’a été fait… les heures moteurs en supplément d’une centaine d’euros aurait pu nous être offertes mais non nous avons eu un petit porte clé en guise d’excuse ???? Payer 2000 euros pour être emmerder par le personnel en pleine nuit C’EST NON ! Heureusement le jeune de l’accueil était super cool mais nous ne reviendrons pas.
Visitado en julio 2023
Accueil efficace.
Explication et ecolage en 1h - 1h1/2 et puis vous êtes partis.
1er problème : les écluses..... vous ne savez pas trop ce qui vous attend et c'est la débrouille pour les premières.
Nous avons navigué vers Naurouze pour ensuite revenir sur nos pas pour nous diriger vers Carcassonne. En effet, à un certain moment vous longez l' autoroute, bruyant, très bruyant !!
Donc demi tour direction Carcassonne. Sur notre trajet très peu d activités, à part les écluses, nous en avons passé 61 ????
Donc étudiez bien votre trajet avant de choisir votre base de départ.
Le service en cas de problème est efficace et le technicien intervient rapidement.
Nous avions un bateau vision 3 SL parfait pour 3 couples, cabines assez grandes (pour un bateau).
Visitado en junio 2023
Très bon accueil, on a passé 3 belles journées en famille. On a eu des petits suppléments qui pourraient être offerts dans la formule de base (les coussins d'assises, le barbecue). Très bonne expérience.
Visitado en mayo 2023
Accueil très bien, personnel très sympathique.

Par contre attention à l’état des bateaux.
Nous avons eu la commande des gazs qui a cassée, pas trop de dégâts mais cela aurait pu être catastrophique.

C’est comme louer une voiture avec des freins qui ne seraient pas contrôlés !

Leur premier devoir devrait être de garantir la sécurité des utilisateurs !
Visitado en mayo 2023
Superbe accueil de l'ensemble du personnel.
Bateau au top.
Base agréable.
Visitado en mayo 2023
Personnel de la base super sympa , bateau propre , nous avons eu un petit soucis de wc a la moitie de notre sejour , intervention rapide , je conseil sans soucis , la chef de l agence est top
Visitado en abril 2023
What a sad outfit
We selected ‘Le Boat’ to travel the ‘Canal du Midi’ based on a pre-Covid recommendation from an acquaintance, but we regret not having researched their competitors before making our overpriced reservation. Our boat, a 2012 Bavaria, was a relic of a long ago past. Chipped gelcoat throughout, broken side bumpers (the ones attached to the hull), faulty doors and hatches, badly done renovation (the upholstery was crudely redone). Cheap kitchenware, including useless knives. Faulty Bimini (no shade), faulty BBQ (could not open it), clogged kitchen sink (we had to become our own plumbers), reversed refrigerator door (I know, too much effort to swing them around…). Zero supplies of any kind, not even dish soap. Plastic ropes (dock lines) that will chew into your bare hands and you must use them constantly at every lock. A few euros more and they could have bought soft ones. The most blatant shortcoming is the absence of a rudder indicator, so you will have to guess if you have it right (as in straight) or not. You will also have to guess your speed, or install an app on your phone, as we did.

Our boat had a forward cabin that was smaller than the aft one, and the shower – separate from the head (bathroom) – was a joke. The door opened indoor leaving minimal space to step in and then close it. The height inside the shower was, perhaps, 5’8’’ (1.7 meters), so if you are a tall person, you are out of luck. The shower is in the main cabin area; if you are prudish, that will not do for you.

The Le Boat facilities, especially Port Cassafieres, are in a state of abandonment. Broken down docks with loose planking, broken water faucets, garbage, dust and dirt everywhere. It gives an indication of a company that is going through hard times. Employees are all nice, and they probably all need their job, so they do their best despite the situation. When, upon our return, we were asked how the cruise had gone, I could sense the whole office screaming ‘incoming’ and waiting for a barrage of complaints to follow. I spared them. What is the point of harassing the poor employees who have almost no control over this sad state of affairs?

We went aboard boats from some of their competitors and they were much better. My recommendation would be to shop around before you make your reservation with ‘Le Boat’. Especially consider that Port Cassafieres is literally in the middle of nowhere with no shopping facilities nearby. Avoid the side trip to Narbonne because the port is closed and there is no water nor power anywhere along the way. Le Boat will only tell you just before leaving that the port is closed, not when you are making a reservation.

The glossy brochures (call it a sort of canal guide) provided by Le Boat are out of date and indicate water, power, and facilities no longer there. In essence, you need to assume that the water you have on board needs to last you for at least 3 to 4 days. Some of the small ports along the way will make you pay and will not give you more than a few hundred liters.

A final consideration. I had years of boating experience and I found handling this boat, the locks and the canals challenging, especially when the wind was fierce, as it often is in Narbonne. I have no idea how anyone without any prior experience may be able to enjoy it. We witnessed boats hitting docks, bridges, and locks just like bumper cars. Nothing dramatic, but I’m sure the various company made the captain pay for the damages (get insurance!). Moreover, it takes some advanced level of physical strength to handle the ropes. Did I mention that all the sewage is dumped straight into the canal and that often, while handling the ropes that filthy water gets on you?
Visitado en abril 2023
Tout ce que je peux dire du boat ⛵ de Castelnaudary c'est que les sanitaires pour les vacanciers est d'une propreté irréprochable et le personnel très agréables
Visitado en abril 2023
Super expérience très physique à 2 pour 5 jours en partant dans la direction de Carcassonne. Notre voyage s'est interrompu au port de Bram que nous avons bien apprécié, ainsi que la ville qui a pieds était à 1km5 où l'on a pu se ravitailler & se régaler au restaurant le petit Bramais que nous recommandons fortement pour son équipe très sympathique & chaleureuse, de très bon conseil, son beau décor & son excellente cuisine, bravo
Visitado en febrero 2023
À déconseillé le prix trop cher
Visitado en diciembre 2022
Tres belle flotte de bateaux malheureusement les bateaux sont abîmés suite aux locations.
Visitado en octubre 2022
Reading the reviews, I was not sure what to expect and planned for the worst! However, the experience we had was perfect from start to finish.

Check in; Quick, easy and friendly
Boat: (Horizon 1) Spotlessly clean, well equipped and easy to drive
Check out; same as check in

Engine hours charge was fair and reasonable in our opinion.

Thanks to Melodie, Antoine and Benjamin for such great and friendly service.

If you are thinking of booking this trip, October is great value and hardly any other boats on the canal. Im sure if we visited in July / August, it would have been far more chaotic and expensive.

Will be booking again for sure!
Visitado en septiembre 2022
A fantastic holiday in a beautiful area of france. Very relaxing, very straightforward to manoeuvre the boat with decent facilities inside. While not a new boat it was kept in good condition. Recommend the adventure even if only for a few days.
Visitado en septiembre 2022
The Service isn't really good. The boat looks different than on the internet. Parts of the furnishmemt is missing, the interior is old, not repaired when something broke. The pillowcases were missing. A lot of showers and toilets in the harbour were broken. All in all does the company seem not to care. Seems loveless. The bathrooms on the boat were dirty. We had to clean before we could use it. The wifi is vers slow, sometimes not available at all

After 3 days we decided to wash our towels. And suddendly the stains are gone ????
Visitado en agosto 2022
Tre bine, Benjamín .Muy buena atención por parte de Benjamín
Visitado en agosto 2022
Hem llogat per una setmana el Vision 3 SL 21. Suposadament un vaixell de gama alta. El preu per una setmana, ho és.

La nevera no refrigerava si no estaves navegant o endollat a port. Al tercer dia ens vam canviar les bateries, després d'esperes i inconvenients.

El foc gran de la cuina no funcionava. Ens van dir que poséssim el martell a sobre del comandament per solventar-ho.?¿

Vam pagar 350€ a la sortida per la benzina. Ens van dir que era import suficient per passar deu dies. Hi hem estat 7 dies i finalment ens han cobrat 600€ per 30 hores de funcionament. Ens sembla exagerat.

Els patins del bimini no es podien fixar. Ens van donar 2 cargols perquè els poséssim a mode de fixació. (Ens sembla molt poc professional).

Una finestra amb accés lliure des de l'exterior. No és podia tancar.

La manguera sense aplicador per poder connectar en alguns ports. El vam haver de comprar nosaltres i l'hem deixat en el vaixell, per a altres hostes.

Comandament hèlix de proa i popa interior, mig trencat. Però vam comprobar que encara funciona.

Neteja, a l'entrega del vaixell, insuficient.

El check-out a Homps, deficient. Érem els primers de la cua i hem acabat el check out els últims per una pèssima atenció de la responsable (7/8/2022)

Com a compensació per totes les deficiencies ens han ofert 600€ que, curiosament, és l'import de la benzina que diuen que hem consumit. Per venir des de Barcelona hem gastat 38 € per la benzina del cotxe. Per anar de Castelnaudary a Homps 600€ !!! Impossible.

No té res a veure el que es ven per la web amb el que et trobes in situ.

No repetirem amb Le Boat


Cerrado - Se abre en 37 minutos

Cómo llegar y contactar

Carte de l'emplacement de l'établissement
le grand bassin, quai du canelot, 11400Castelnaudary, Francia
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Horarios de apertura

09:00 - 17:00
10:00 - 16:00
09:00 - 17:00
10:00 - 16:00
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 17:00
10:00 - 16:00
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