Resultados Restaurante de cocina francesa Saint-Malo


Cocina francesa €€
59 opinión
Abierto - Cierra a las 14h00 Horario

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Carte de l'emplacement de l'établissement
1, rue de l'Orme, 35400Saint-Malo, Francia
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Parking Q-Park en 305 metros

Restaurante en la calle de l'Orme que ofrece productos locales con sabores bretones y japoneses, un menú vegetariano.

Ubicado en un edificio del siglo XVII, este restaurante brilla por su ambiente elegante y acogedor. El lugar es perfecto para una comida refinada para dos o una familia. El chef trabaja con productos locales al tiempo que hace gala de audacia combinando con maestría sabores bretones, asiáticos y de otros orígenes. El resultado es una cocina reinventada y sabrosa con platos como un filete de lubina, duxelles de setas y fricasé de alcachofas de Jerusalén con castañas. El menú incluye platos vegetarianos y sin gluten. Para una cocina inventiva y sabrosa.

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Opiniones de los miembros sobre L'ABSINTHE

59 opinión
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Visitado en septiembre 2022
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The worst service I have ever experienced
We decided to ignore the bad reviews of this restaurant and book a table for dinner. That was a mistake. The various tasting menus they offer make this restaurant seem like an upscale place, but that was not at all our experience. We were sat and then completely ignored for half an hour. Once we finally ordered, the seafood menu plus wine pairing, we received our entree without any explanation or wine. We also ordered a bottle of water that never came. On top of that, every table around us had a bread basket that we never received. We sat with our first dish for ten minutes before we were able to flag down the server and ask about the wine that was supposed to come with it. He apologized for not bringing it with the food, blaming being short staffed and overwhelmed, then proceeded to return with the wine. Then he awkwardly poured us obscenely large glasses, saying "you have to take a large drink right now because my boss will be upset if he sees how much wine I've poured you." He then forced us to awkwardly chug too much wine, which we did not ask for, and made us feel very uncomfortable. This continued throughout the night. Our dishes were severely delayed and the server kept pouring us unnecessarily large glasses of wine to compensate, but then demanded we drink them quickly so his boss didn't see. The entire experience was extremely uncomfortable. Ultimately, we decided to leave before completing our menu. When we had to explain to the owner why we were unhappy with our experience and wanted to leave before completing our meal, he was extremely aggressive. He blamed us and blamed it on a language barrier (the server had no problem communicating with us in english and I speak French). We felt like we were in a fever dream, and asked the table next to us about their experience. They agreed that it was the strangest and worst service that they had ever had at a "fine-dining" restaurant. There are a lot of wonderful places to eat in Saint-Malo, and we had some truly exceptional meals. My advice is to go anywhere other than here, and you will have a lovely meal. Aside from all of the service issues, the food we did have was disappointing.
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Visitado en septiembre 2022
Cuisine originale (quelques recettes inspirantes !) à un prix raisonnable dans un cadre sympathique en plein cœur de Saint-Malo. Merci pour ce dîner !
Visitado en agosto 2022
Restaurant de qualité qui propose une cuisine raffinée et savoureuse. Le service est soigné et attentif sauf quand les serveurs sont un peu fatigués après la saison estivale et qu'ils oublient 4 fois de vous apporter la carafe d'eau :D Toutefois ce n'était qu'une goutte dans l'océan. On recommande vivement l'Absinthe.
Visitado en agosto 2022
Plats et accord des vins excellents, un vrai bonheur.
L'ambiance est correcte mais manque de lumière (sur certaines tables), ce qui rend difficile la lecture de la carte !
Nous avons accepté d'être décalé au deuxième service (après avoir réservé avec Fork au premier service) et de ce fait plus du dessert phare... Un peu cavalier !
Les serveurs étaient sympa, mais oubli du pain, de la carafe d'eau et même des verres de vin de l'accord ! Un conseil passez au premier service.
Visitado en agosto 2022
Un vrai délice pour les papilles : chaque plat nous a donné envie de deviner quels ingrédients avaient été utilisés pour les sauces, crèmes ou émulsions. Tres belle association de vins avec une mention spéciale pour l'Ampelomeryx. Du personnel à l'écoute, une belle ambiance... l'Absinthe est une invitation culinaire à partager

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